Tuesday, October 28, 2014

DIY Sharpie Mugs

Halloween is right around the corner, and as soon as the candy is gone and the sugar coma wares off, before you know it, the holiday season is in full swing. Now I don't know about you, but I need to get all of my holiday ducks in a row before it sneaks up on me!

Whether this is a holiday craft, a creative gift, or a DIforYOURSELF, it couldn't get any easier. 

Necessary Supplies: 
White dishes of your choice (I got mine at the dollar store for.. you guessed it.. $1)
Large letter sticker
Colored sharpie markers

Step 1: Prewash any of the dishes you are going to be working with to ensure a clean and dry surface. 

Step 2: Get creative and layout your design. I used the stickers as an outline for my name, but you can do whatever you want! You don't even have to use the letters, if your artistic (unlike me) try a freehand design. 

Step 3: Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for a full 20 minutes. Let them cool completely before handling. 

There you have it! Is this not the easiest craft, gift, DIforYOURSELF you've ever seen? 

Enjoy a hot cup of coffee  or hot coco out of your new mug!

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